Conversatie intre suflete (partea a 2-a )
-De ce ma privesti astfel? Crezi ca ochii mei ascund ceva ? - Nu. E vorba doar de esenta ta pura. Ma pot uita la tine la nesfarsit si sa ma regasesc in universul care esti. Pot traversa intreaga planeta cu tine si inca sa ma simt acasa,dar ce iubesc cel mai mult este ca putem zbura intr-un spatiu si timp infinit si sa il aducem pe Dumnezeu in fiecare atingere,in fiecare actiune care o savarsim si daca ar exista un cuvant sa ne descrie ,acesta ar trebui inventat caci in noi este mai mult decat iubire. - Why do you look at me like that? Do you think I have something to hide in my eyes ? - No. It's just your pure essence. I can look at you endlessly and find myself there. I can cross the entire planet with you and still feel like home,but what I love the most is that we can fly in a boundless time and space and bring God in every touch,in everything we do and if there is a word to describe us i t has to be invented because it's more than love.